
Lakewood on Lake Conroe POA, Inc.


  • 96 Beach Walk Blvd., Suite 207
  • Conroe, TX 77304
  • Phone:  936-703-5256
  • Fax:       936-703-5258
  • Jennifer Stanley – Community Manager
  • email:

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday:  9:00am-4:00pm
Friday:  9:00am-12:00pm
* closed daily 12:00-1:00 for lunch

Board of Directors

Role Name Term Expiration
President Rob Doty 2025
Vice President Dana Richardson 2024
Treasurer Dorothy Carlson 2025
Secretary Vicki Parks 2024

For privacy reasons, we do not publish email addresses or phone numbers. Members can find these in the directory sent to all members each year or use the contact form below.

Contact LWLC POA Members
Board Contact Form

Architectural Control Committee


Name Term Expiration
Alice Runkle 2024
Vicki Parks 2025
John Vitullo 2024

For privacy reasons, we do not publish email addresses or phone numbers. Members can find these in the directory sent to all members each year or use the contact form below.

Click this link for LOT/HOME Improvement Application (return completed form to ACC Board member) 

Contact LWLC ACC Members
ACC Contact Form

Member Committees

Water Committee: Rob Doty, Terry Casey, Dana Richardson

Street Committee: Dana Richardson

Common Areas Committee: Dorothy Carlson

Front Entrance Committee: Pam Doty

Front Gate and Security Surveillance: Dana Richardson

Gate Flag Committee: Jason Schoger, Kevin Wheatley, Don Holshuch, Rick Carlson

Boathouse Committee: John Vitullo, Guy Lockhart

Sundowner Committee: Vicki Parks, Phyllis Richardson, Gloria Vitullo, Alice Runkel

Garage Sale Committee: Heather Schoger

By-law Amendment Committee: Lynn Gordon

Lakewood Lot Owner (Member) Directory

This is a password protected page:  Lakewood Lot Owner Directory


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