08/10/23 BOD Minutes Have Been Posted
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Lakewood on Lake Conroe POA Owners: The membership will hold elections for 2 Board of Director Positions and 1 ACC Position on January 18, 2022. If you wish to add your name to the mail out Ballot, please let us know your interest in serving by December 27, 2021. Please… Continue reading
LCA President’s Letter –Facts and Realities vs Voice and Choice My last President’s letter was in August and the delay in providing an update was due to developments regarding the Seasonal Lake Lowering Program (SLLP). These developments have resulted in a significant improvement to our future lake levels. By now… Continue reading
Here is the proposed Noise Ordinance for our December 2021 POA meeting: Open PDF File: Lakewood on Conroe – Construction Rules and RegulationsDownload
LAKEWOOD ON LAKE CONROE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE REMINDER November 12, 2021 (originally sent via email at 6:57a.m.) Dear Neighbors, The ACC is sending this letter / email as a friendly reminder of the purpose and duties of the Architectural Committee. Our purpose is to maintain the beauty of Lakewood on Lake… Continue reading